Reviews 2015
Marvelous Transformations: An Anthology of Fairy Tales and Contemporary Critical Perspectives
Marvelous Transformations: An Anthology of Fairy Tales and Contemporary Critical Perspectives. Ed. Christine A. Jones and Jennifer Schacker. Peterborough: Broadview Press, 2013. 580 pages. $39.95 (paperback).
In the abundant corpus of fairy tale anthologies, Marvelous Transformations stands out in more ways than one. Unlike other anthologies that usually organize their contents according to tale type, motif, or country of origin, the richly diverse collection edited by Christine A. Jones and Jennifer Schacker presents fairy tales in chronological order, thus creating an illuminating timeline that stretches from the 2nd century BCE to the end of the first decade of the 21st century. Envisioned as a "journey through fairy tale history" (15), Marvelous Transformations is full of pleasant surprises in the form of obscure and rarely anthologized texts, little known writers/collectors, and a series of brand new essays penned by some of the most prominent fairy tale scholars.
At the very outset, the editors boldly propose to expand our understanding of fairy tales by reaching beyond the established canon and providing readers with fresh material that often challenges traditional boundaries of genre. Furthermore, they point out that, due to the influence of fairy tale scholarship, we tend to read individual stories in singular, predetermined ways, thus ignoring the myriad of other interpretative possibilities. Calling for an interdisciplinary approach to the study of fairy tales, Jones and Schacker challenge such predetermined interpretations and champion in their stead a reading practice that "requires heightened attention to detail, a focus on texts’ potential ambiguities and internal contradictions, an exploration of intertextuality...and, above all, a very inquisitive mind" (26). This approach is exemplified by a nuanced reading of "Little Red Riding Hood" in which the story, often viewed as a cautionary tale about the dangers of straying from the proverbial straight and narrow path, talking to strangers, ignoring parental advice, etc., emerges as a narrative about the power and use of language.
Marvelous Transformations is divided into two parts, each prefaced with a comprehensive introduction by Jones and Schacker. Part one, "The Tales," is divided into five sections: "Early Written Traditions," "Early Print Traditions," "Romanticism to the fin de siècle," "Modern/Postmodern Tales" and "Contemporary Transcriptions and Translations." The focus on the historical development of the genre as a whole rather than, for instance, individual tale types, effectively foregrounds the immense diversity of the fairy tale. Readers who tend to associate the genre with the brevity and linguistic simplicity of Perrault and the Grimms are likely to be surprised by Basile’s verbosity and stylistic ornateness, or the embedded (and equally ornate) tales of the French salonnières, not to mention fairy tales in verse or theatrical form (the inclusion of theatre scripts is a particularly refreshing and welcome addition to the anthology). To the editors’ credit, the diverse selection of tales manages to transcend not only the traditional/(post)modern divide, but also the oral/written one (the final section includes transcripts of oral storytelling from Puerto Rico, Spanish New Mexico, Hungary, India, French Canada, Scotland and the Arab countries).
As previously mentioned, the pages of the volume are filled with relatively unknown and rarely studied stories (some of which appear in the English translation for the first time), intertwined with classics (some of which appear in brand new translations) such as Perrault’s "Cinderella" or the Grimms’ "Snow White." The inclusion of the often silenced women’s voices is particularly commendable. Naturally, there are only so many texts and authors a single volume can encompass, so some omissions are to be expected (having said that, I was surprised by the absence of Angela Carter). Each tale is prefaced with a brief introduction, and many (but not all!) are accompanied by helpful footnotes containing additional information about various historical and cultural items, linguistic nuances of the original texts and translators’ choices.
Decisions on what to include in/exclude from a fairy tale (or any other) anthology are often guided by practical concerns, such as the limitations of space, which is why lengthier texts are typically avoided or presented in the form of excerpts. However, Jones and Schacker’s compelling collection manages to overcome this obstacle by placing some of its content online. The anthology's passcode-protected website includes lengthy texts such as Richard Johnson's The History of Tom Thumbe (1621) or the entire script for Victor Stevens's pantomime Little Red Riding Hood (1900), as well as a variety of teaching and studying resources.
Abandoning the historical principle prevalent in the first part of anthology, part two, dedicated to fairy tale scholarship, focuses solely on the present moment and proposes to familiarize readers with current trends and discussions in the field. The fifteen essays written specifically for the anthology are divided into five sections, each focusing on one key term: genre, ideology, authorship, reception and translation. As the editors point out, the essays are primarily meant to demonstrate differing, often conflicting views, pose questions and ideally encourage reflection and (classroom) discussion, and as such are deliberately short (the maximum being six pages, including a bibliography list).
Despite some minor complaints such as the lack of a bibliography pertaining to the works cited in the footnotes, an extensive general bibliography list (suggestions for further reading) and an index of tales, Jones and Schacker are to be commended for enriching the field of fairy tale scholarship with a highly useful and accessible anthology that successfully demonstrates the many faces of this popular and multifaceted genre. As the editors themselves repeatedly point out, the content and organization of material, coupled with additional resources available online, make Marvelous Transformations particularly suited for use in the classroom, but there is little doubt that it will fascinate and inspire even the seasoned scholar.
Nada Kujundžić
University of Turku, Finland
University of Zagreb, Croatia
Technology and Identity in Young Adult Fiction: The Posthuman Subject by Victoria Flanagan. Review by Noga Applebaum.
Henry James’s Enigmas: Turning the Screw of Eternity? by Jean Perrot. Review by Beata Williamson.
Pričanja o djetinjstvu. Život priča u svakodnevnoj komunikaciji [Narratives of childhood. Life of stories in everyday communication] by Jelena Marković. Review by Nada Kujundžić.
Fairy Tale and Film: Old Tales with a New Spin by Sue Short. Review by Nada Kujundžić.
Children’s Film in the Digital Age: Essays on Audience, Adaptation and Consumer Culture edited by Karin Beeler and Stan Beeler. Review by Xavier Mínguez-López.
The Middle Ages in Children's Literature by Clare Bradford. Review by Sara Van den Bossche.
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Educational Institutions in Horror Film: A History of Mad Professors, Student Bodies, and Final Exams by Andrew L. Grunzke. Review by Anna Arnman.
Pixar’s Boy Stories: Masculinity in a Postmodern Age by Shannon R. Wooden and Ken Gillam. Review by Mateusz Świetlicki.
U carstvu životinja. Animalističko čitanje hrvatskih dječjih časopisa [In the animal kingdom: An animalistic reading of Croatian childrenʼs magazines] by Ana Batinić. Review by Nada Kujundžić.
Libri per diventare italiani. L’editoria per la scuola a Milano nel secondo Ottocento [Books that Made the Italians: Educational Publishers in Milan in the Second Half of the Nineteenth Century] by Elisa Marazzi. Review by Katarzyna Biernacka-Licznar.
The Gothic Fairy Tale in Young Adult Literature: Essays on Stories from Grimm to Gaiman edited by Joseph Abbruscato and Tanya Jones. Review by Terri Doughty.
Marvelous Transformations: An Anthology of Fairy Tales and Contemporary Critical Perspectives edited by Christine A. Jones and Jennifer Schacker. Review by Nada Kujundžić.
Disability, Deformity, and Disease in the Grimms’ Fairy Tales by Ann Schmiesing. Review by Nada Kujundžić.
British Children’s Poetry in the Romantic Era: Verse, Riddle, and Rhyme by Donelle Ruwe. Review by Morag Styles.
Colonial Girlhood in Literature, Culture and History, 1840-1950 edited by Kristine Moruzi and Michelle J. Smith. Review by Blanka Grzegorczyk.
Children’s Games in the New Media Age: Childlore, Media and the Playground edited by Andrew Burn and Chris Richards. Review by Richard Shakeshaft.
Gospođi Alisinoj desnoj nozi. [Alice’s right foot] by Ljiljana Pešikan Ljuštanović. Review by Ivana Mijić Nemet.
The Middle Ages in Children’s Literature by Clare Bradford. Review by Ashley N. Reese.
Prstenovi koji se šire: junačka potraga u djelima J. R. R. Tolkiena [Widening rings: heroic quest in the works of J.R.R. Tolkien] by Petra Mrduljaš Doležal. Review by Nada Kujundžić.
Child Saviours in English Fantasy Fiction for Children and Young Adults by Anne Klaus. Review by Catherine Posey.
Channeling Wonder: Fairy Tales on Television edited by Pauline Greenhill and Jill Terry Rudy. Review by Nada Kujundžić.
Literary Conceptualizations of Growth: Metaphors and Cognition in Adolescent Literature by Roberta Seelinger Trites. Review by Marek Oziewicz.
Representing Children in Chinese and U.S. Children’s Literature edited by Claudia Nelson and Rebecca Morris. Review by Susan Tan.
American Environmental Fiction, 1782-1847 by Matthew Wynn Sivils. Review by Lydia Kokkola.
Fantasy and the Real World in British Children’s Literature: The Power of Story by Caroline Webb. Review by Karyn Huenemann.
Modern Children’s Literature: An Introduction edited by Catherine Butler and Kimberley Reynolds. Review by Valerie Coghlan.
Discourses of Postcolonialism in Contemporary British Children’s Literature by Blanka Grzegorczyk. Review by Yasmine Motawy.
Virginity in Young Adult Literature After Twilight by Christine Seifert. Review by Lydia Kokkola.
Ethics and Children’s Literature edited by Claudia Mills. Review by Anna Bugajska.
Researching Literacy Lives: Building Communities between Home and School by Teresa Cremin, Marilyn Mottram, Fiona M. Collins, Sacha Powell, and Rose Drury. Review by Sara K. Sterner.
Potjehovi hologrami. Studije, eseji i kritike iz književnosti za djecu i mladež. [Holograms of Quest: articles, essays and reviews of children’s and young adult literature] by Diana Zalar. Review by Nada Kujundžić.
Picturebooks: Representation and Narration edited by Bettina Kümmerling-Meibauer. Review by Betsie van der Westhuizen.
Audacious Kids: The Classic American Children’s Story by Jerry Griswold. Review by Taraneh Matloob.
Fictions of Adolescent Carnality: Sexy Sinners and Devious Delinquents by Lydia Kokkola. Review by Victoria Flanagan.
Children’s Literature and Learner Empowerment: Children and Teenagers in English Language Education by Janice Bland. Review by Victoria de Rijke.