Institutional Members
IRSCL Institutional Members
Australasian Children’s Literature Association for Research (ACLAR)
The Australasian Children’s Literature Association for Research is an organisation for the advancement of research and scholarship in children’s literature. We engage with the full spectrum of children’s books from picture books, graphic novels, comics, non-fiction, and junior to young adult fiction, and are continually broadening our focus to take into account the broader range of texts children consume including film and televisual texts, computer games, magazines, websites, blogs and zines. Analytic styles and approaches in the discipline are equally varied and span cultural and ideological critiques, interpretation of historical location and archival materials, cross-cultural and translation studies, audience-centred and educational approaches, visual semiotics, and others. Scholars employ theoretical lenses from a range of disciplines in generative and expansive ways.
Contact: Tony.Eaton@canberra.edu.au
Center for Young People's Literature and Culture (CYPLC)
The Center for Young People’s Literature and Culture at the Institute of English Studies, Wroclaw University, is one of the very few research-didactic groups in the field in Central and Eastern Europe. Since it was established in 2003, its projects have focused both on scholarly research and on practical work with the general public, and especially with children, young adults, and educators.
Contact: justyna.deszcz@uni.wroc.pl
Centre for Research in Young People’s Texts and Cultures (CRYTC)
The Centre for Research in Young People's Texts and Cultures (CRYTC) supports scholarly inquiry into literary, media, and other cultural texts for children and youth. Directed by the Canada Research Chair in Young People's Texts and Cultures, Mavis Reimer, with assistance from the Research Coordinator, Larissa Wodtke, the Centre provides a focus for research in the field at the University of Winnipeg, houses the journal Jeunesse: Young People, Texts, Cultures facilitates the development and management of collaborative national and international research projects, hosts visiting speakers and researchers, and maintains links with other research centres in children's studies internationally.
Contact: crytc@uwinnipeg.ca
Croatian Association of Researchers in Children’s Literature (CARCL)
CARCL was founded on 7 May 2010, by researchers of children’s literature and culture from all parts of Croatia. The president is Berislav Majhut, PhD, and our vice-president is Smiljana Narančić Kovač, PhD. The association's main objectives are: to promote, develop and advance research in the area of children’s literature and young adult literature, and other related areas; and to ensure an appropriate position, representation and role of children’s literature and literature for young adults in education, culture and society in general. CARCL also runs the journal Libri & Liberi.
Contact: mail@hidk.hr
Finnish Institute for Children’s Literature
The Finnish Institute for Children’s Literature advances the position of children’s and youth literature in Finland with expertise, courage and an open mind. Our special library and collection of original illustrations cater to a wide audience. We cooperate with specialist networks, media and educational institutions nationally and internationally. We organize events, seminars and exhibitions and house the children’s literature journal Onnimanni, which discusses news, phenomena and practitioners in the field and introduces recent children’s and youth literature..
Contact: info@lastenkirjainstituutti.fi
International Institute for Children's Literature, Osaka
In 1979, Mr. Shin Torigoe, then a professor at Waseda University, offered his enormous collection of children's literature. (including books and periodicals published in the 19th century) to the Governor of Osaka Prefecture. It was decided that the International Institute for Children's Literature,Osaka (IICLO) should be established to make the best use of this gift. While an administrative office began preparatory work, the Institute staff and other children's literature specialists met to discuss how the IICLO should function. Finally, on May 5, 1984, the IICLO was formally opened in the EXPO '70 Commemoration Park in Osaka, the first institute in Japan devoted to the study of children's literature.
Contact: info@iiclo.or.jp
International Youth Library
The International Youth Library, housed in the late-medieval Blutenberg Castle, boasts the world's largest collection of international children's and youth literature. The International Youth Library's fellowship programme has two primary goals: to support research in the field of international children's and youth literature and illustration, and to promote academic exchange and international cooperation.
Contact: direktion@ijb.de
Irish Society for the Study of Children’s Literature
The purpose of the Irish Society for the Study of Children’s Literature is to promote academic research into children’s literature. Its membership is open to scholars both from Ireland and other countries. We welcome members from a wide range of disciplines, including literature, history, education, psychology, sociology, women’s studies, and fine arts. In doing so we seek to foster a multi-disciplinary approach to the study of children’s literature.
Contact: isscl.committee@gmail.com
Norwegian Institute for Children’s Books
The Norwegian Institute for Children's Books (NBI) is the national information centre and documentation archive of Norway for the literature of children and young people. The NBI receives government funding from the Ministry of Cultural and Church Affairs.
Contact: kristin.orjasater@barnebokinstituttet.no
Swedish Institute for Children’s Books
Founded in 1965 and financed by the Ministry of Education, the Swedish Institute for Children's Books is a public research library which collects and makes accessible literature for children and young people; promotes knowledge about literature for children and young people in Sweden; and supports research and circulates information about research results. It is also a national and interantional liaison body, and a foundation of which the members are: The Swedish Institute Association of Illustrators, Stockholm University, The Swedish Publishers' Association and The Swedish Writers' Union.
Contact: info@sbi.kb.se