This section of the website features information and benefits for members of IRSCL.
IRSCL Member Benefits
Members Only Section
The Members Only Section includes access to a copy of the IRSCL Membership Directory, a global Who's Who of children's literature research.
To access the Members Only area, you will need the password. This password should be provided to you upon approval of your membership application, or upon your membership renewal. Please contact the web administrator if you have not received your password.
International Research in Children’s Literature (IRCL) Journal
An IRSCL membership includes a print + online or online-only subscription to the Society’s journal International Research in Children’s Literature (IRCL).
As a member of IRSCL, you will be privy to new and exciting information about children's literature and childhood studies and other activities by the society and its members. You may also send your announcements and news to the society's membership listserv. Please email your message to irscl@jiscmail.ac.uk. To view the listserv archives, go to Jiscmail. If you have any questions about the listserv, please contact the membership assistant.
IRSCL Congress and General Members’ Meetings
IRSCL members are eligible for reduced registration rates at IRSCL Congresses. IRSCL members furthermore have the right to attend IRSCL General Members’ Meetings and to vote an all matters discussed at these meetings. Members furthermore have the right to nominate candidates for the IRSCL Board.
As an IRSCL member, you are eligible to be nominated for the IRSCL Award, which honours distinguished work in the field of children's literature research published in the two (calendar) years prior to the Congress at which it is awarded. For more information see the AWARDS section below.
IRSCL members are eligible to apply for both research and travel grants. For more information see the GRANTS section below
Edinburgh University Press
30% discount on all Edinburgh University Press books and journals. Please visit https://www.euppublishing.com to browse available titles. If you would like to take advantage of your book or journal discount, email journalsmarketing@eup.ed.ac.uk.

Awards & Grants
IRSCL gives out the following awards at the biennial congresses:
The IRSCL Award
The IRSCL Award for outstanding research was established in 1994. It honours a distinguished work of research into children's literary and cultural texts published in the two (calendar) years prior to the Congress at which it is awarded. Co-authored and co-edited publications are eligible. All nominees must be IRSCL members in good standing at the time of nomination. Authors and editors are welcome to nominate their own work for consideration. Board members are not eligible for nomination.
IRSCL Honour Books
IRSCL Edited Book Awards
See past IRSCL Edited Book Award winners.
IRSCL Fellowships
Since 2001 IRSCL has awarded an honorary fellowship to members who have made outstanding contributions to IRSCL and to research in children's literature. This award is announced and presented at IRSCL Congresses.
See a list of IRSCL Fellows.
The IRSCL Research Grant
The Research Grant encourages research by early career scholars in children's literature. Each grant will be a minimum of CAD $1,000, with the possibility of a higher amount, to be assessed on a biannual basis. Eligible activities include literary, historical, cultural, sociological, empirical and pedagogical research.
Applications are welcome from postgraduate students or early career researchers. It is necessary to be an IRSCL member in good standing at the time of application.
Award recipients are required to produce a 2-page report by the time of the next Congress.
Applications should include a clear outline of aims, methodology, budget allocation, and expected outcomes. Applications are invited every two years.
IRSCL Research Grant application form
Past IRSCL Research Grant recipients
Travel Grants
Prior to IRSCL Congresses, applications are invited for travel grants to be awarded to IRSCL members in need of financial assistance to attend the Congress. Each grant will be up to CAD $1,000, with the possibility of a higher amount, to be assessed on a biannual basis.
It is necessary to be an IRSCL member in good standing at the time of application.
IRSCL Travel Grant application form
Applications are confidential..