New Members
The application process for membership in IRSCL is a two-step process:
Please complete your application, and wait for confirmation from the Membership Secretary before paying fees.
Step 1. Application
To apply for IRSCL membership, please choose the category of membership for which you are applying, and complete the appropriate online membership form. Membership is by calendar year.
Individual membership for researchers in the field of children’s literature studies
Applicants must be able to demonstrate that they are active researchers in the field of children's literature studies. Applications are reviewed by the Board.
Individual members are entitled to the following benefits:
reduced registration rates at IRSCL Congresses;
print + online or online-only subscription to the Society’s journal, International Research in Children’s Literature (IRCL);
30% discount on all Edinburgh University Press books and journals;
the right to attend IRSCL General Members' Meetings and to vote on all matters discussed at these meetings;
the right to nominate candidates for the IRSCL Board;
the right to apply for research and travel grants;
access to the IRSCL listserv;
access to the members-only section of the IRSCL website, which includes the membership directory.
A special discounted rate is available for students and retired faulty members, who are entitled to all of the benefits of individual membership
Affiliated membership for national and regional research societies
To be eligible for membership, a national or regional society must have a constitution, a copy of which they attach to their application, and must provide a national or regional forum for the discussion of issues relating to research in the field of children's literature studies.
Affiliated members are entitled to the following benefits:
publication of their aims, activities, publications, conferences, application form for membership, etc., on the IRSCL website;
print + online or online-only subscription to the Society’s journal, International Research in Children’s Literature (IRCL)
publicizing of their activities through IRSCL networks;
eligibility to host congresses, Board meetings, and other IRSCL events;
the right to nominate candidates for the IRSCL research grant for an early-career scholar in the field of children's literature;
the right to nominate books for the IRSCL Award, which honours a distinguished body of work in the field of children's literature research (the recipient must be an individual member of the IRSCL);
the right to use the IRSCL logo in combination with the text "Affiliated Society of the IRSCL";
copies of all emails from IRSCL and the right to distribute these to their individual members;
access to the IRSCL listserv;
access to the members-only section of the IRSCL website, which includes the membership directory.
Affiliated membership does not carry with it the right to vote in General Membership Meetings.
Institutional membership
Institutional membership is for organisations involved with children's literature, such as libraries, research centres, journals, and children's book collections, whose activities are related to the aims of the Society (i.e., research into children's literature, reading, and related fields).
Institutional members are entitled to the following benefits:
publication of their aims, activities, publications, conferences, etc., on the IRSCL website;
print + online or online-only subscription to the Society’s journal, International Research in Children’s Literature (IRCL)
publicizing of their activities through IRSCL networks;
eligibility to host congresses, Board meetings, and other IRSCL events;
access to the IRSCL listserv;
access to the members-only section of the IRSCL website, which includes the membership directory.
Institutional membership does not carry with it the right to vote in General Membership Meetings, nor does it provide access to Board membership.
Step 2. Membership payment
Once the Membership Secretary has approved your application, she will send you a welcome email message asking you to pay your membership fee.
Table of current annual fees
The IRSCL has implemented a staggered fee structure for 2020 and 2021 based on employment status and country of origin economic status. In addition to the discounted Student and Retired categories, we have now included Precariously Employed and Low and Middle Income Country (LMIC) categories. Please direct any confidential inquiries to the Membership Secretary at vanessa.joosen@uantwerpen.be. A list of the World Bank designated LMIC countries is available here.
Membership fees are set in CAD and will vary depending on current exchange rates. Please note that membership fees are paid in CAD.
Please note that if membership fees are paid after one or more numbers of the journal have been published, only online access to these numbers is available.
Option 1. IRSCL Membership + IRCL Subscription (Print + Online), Prices in Canadian Dollar
Membership | One Year | Two Years |
Individual | 120 CAD | 240 CAD |
Student/Retired/Precariously Employed/LMIC | 60 CAD | 120 CAD |
Affiliated/Institutional | 160 CAD | 320 CAD |
Option 2. IRSCL Membership + IRCL Subscription (Online only), Prices in Canadian Dollar
Membership | One Year | Two Years |
Individual | 90 CAD | 180 CAD |
Student/Retired/Precariously Employed/LMIC | 45 CAD | 90 CAD |
Affiliated/Institutional | 160 CAD | 320 CAD |
Note: The link below will redirect you to a secure online payment system.
The IRSCL will consider discounting or waiving fees for individuals and institutions who, due to economic circumstances, cannot pay the full fee. We anticipate that this will concern primarily individuals and institutions from developing countries. Please direct your confidential inquiries to the Membership Secretary via the contact information below:
Dr. Vanessa Joosen
Faculty of Arts, Department of Literature
University of Antwerp
Prinsstraat 13, 2000 Antwerp, Belgium
Email: vanessa.joosen@uantwerpen.be