***The IRSCL book award is now closed. Successful applicants will be contacted before April 2025***
IRSCL gives out the following awards at the biennial congresses:
The IRSCL Award
The IRSCL Award for outstanding research was established in 1994. It honours a distinguished work of research into children's literary and cultural texts published in the two (calendar) years prior to the Congress at which it is awarded. Co-authored and co-edited publications are eligible. All nominees must be IRSCL members in good standing at the time of nomination. Authors and editors are welcome to nominate their own work for consideration. Board members are not eligible for nomination.
IRSCL Past Honour Books and the Edited Book Award Winners are listed below
IRSCL Fellowships
Since 2001 IRSCL has awarded an honorary fellowship to members who have made outstanding contributions to IRSCL and to research in children's literature. This award is announced and presented at IRSCL Congresses.
See a list of IRSCL Fellows.
Past IRSCL Award Winners
Winner Best Monograph:
Haunted Dreams: Fantasies of Adolescence In Post-Soviet Culture
Jenny Kaminer
Cornell University Press 2022
Haunted Dreams: Fantasies of Adolescence in Post-Soviet Culture is the first in-depth study of the representation of post-Soviet adolescence in fiction, film, and drama. Kaminer's insightful work is focused on the representation and culture of post-Soviet adolescence and describes teenagers’ experiences within the culture that has emerged since the 1990s. It explores how adolescence in Russian society has transitioned from Soviet cultural myths about optimism, heroism, and the promise of youth to a more disturbing picture of adolescence as cynical, ambiguous, and violent. In this transition, the book argues, Soviet myths continue to haunt the contemporary culture of adolescence and its interpretations as nightmares. Kaminer's study is impressive in all respects. The book is an imaginative and groundbreaking study that provides new dimensions to our conception of post-Soviet childhood whilst explaining much about the present situation in Russia.
Winner Best Edited Book:
Justyna Deszcz-Tryhubczak and Zoe Jacques Intergenerational Solidarity in Children's Literature and Film (UP Mississippi, 2021)
Growing up with America: Youth, Myth, and National Identity 1945 to Present
Emily A. Murphy
Athens: University of Georgia Press 2020
Emily A. Murphy’s Growing up with America: Youth, Myth, and National Identity 1945 to Present (University of Georgia Press, 2020) offers a rigorously researched and well-written study of the figure of youth in American literature during the Cold War. Its original argument engages with and bridges adjacent scholarly contexts, making a unique scholarly contribution to multiple fields related to youth and beyond one national context, because of its keen attention to issues of nation, identity, race, and gender surrounding the figure of the adolescent.
It rightly rejects the division between texts marketed as ‘adult’ and ‘children’s and young adult’ literature to explore the full pervasiveness of the adolescent within cultural debates about national identity while resisting the marginalization of literature for the young. It addresses issues of race and gender and shows that the adolescent became the means of renegotiating the master narrative about American exceptionalism by revealing silenced voices within this narrative. For example, while treating significant classics of American literature for young people or about young people, it also offers contrapuntal narratives written by indigenous writers to produce a stimulating and nuanced dialogue that exposes blind spots and shortcomings that mount a renegotiation of the narrative of American national identity. It persuasively argues that the role of the adolescent can help advance scholarship on national identity and closes by opening this reflection to the present day and a global scene, where activism by young people is having an impact worldwide.
Picturing the Page: Illustrated Children's Literature and Reading under Lenin and Stalin
Megan Swift
Toronto: University of Toronto Press 2020
Megan Swift’s Picturing the Page: Illustrated Children’s Literature and Reading under Lenin and Stalin (University of Toronto Press, 2020) treats the transformative influence of illustrations on children’s literature and reading in the Soviet Union of the 1920s-1940s with a richness and diversity of primary sources and analyses supported by ample visual evidence. Her methodology, especially the category of illustrated children’s reading and the examination of multiple illustrated versions of the same work are applicable to other contexts and may serve as an inspiration to scholars working on other national children’s literatures.
The concept of children’s reading, texts which initially were not addressed to children but during the Soviet era became available to them thanks to added illustrations, challenges the audience to look at child readers’ reading histories in a broad perspective, which is imperative in light of the current diversity of the cultural production addressed to children and adults, often across age and professional divides. She also offers insights into current public debates on children’s culture and into family and school contexts of children’s reading practices and positions the development of Soviet children’s literature against its Western counterparts, stressing its substantial achievements. In the conclusion Swift applies her approach to post-Soviet children’s literature, thereby indicating directions for further research.
Crossover. Mehrfachadressierung in Text, Markt und Diskurs
Lena Hoffmann
Zürich: Chronos 2018
In her monograph, Lena Hoffmann analyses multiple address in crossover literature from the late 19th century until the present. The thesis focusses on the structures and strategies of multiple address, and contrasts that concept with ›double address‹ and other related terms.
The concept of multiple address, and therefore of crossover literature and media, can be properly comprehended only when analysed within the context of literary market strategies and the use of the term in public discourse. Lena Hoffmann develops a methodological framework along the examples of Mark Twain's "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer", Robert Louis Stevenson's "Treasure Island", Otfried Preußler's "Krabat", Michael Ende's "Die unendliche Geschichte", Markus Zusak's "The Book Thief" and Wolfgang Herrndorf's "Tschick".
The monograph therefore responds to and contradicts the common view that multiple address and crossover are synonymous with fantasy and merely catchphrases of publishers and distributors and underlines the idea that crossover can be identified as a distinct genre of fiction.
Die Bilderfalle: Kanada in der deutschsprachigen Kinder- und Jugendliteratur: Produktion und Rezeption
Martina Seifert
Augsburg: Wißner Verlag, 2016.
Die Bilderfalle: Kanada in der deutschsprachigen Kinder- und Jugendliteratur: Produktion und Rezeption is the most theoretical sophisticated, methodologically rigorous and extensive application of imagology to children's literature and to translation studies so far, based on a vast research corpus of some 1,000 primary works in all (500 German children's books about Canada, and 500 translated works).
The book consists of two parts. The first reconstructs the German "image type" of Canada, as it emerges from Romantic idealizations of nature, travel accounts, and imported adventure literature. The author convincingly demonstrates that this image type (Canada is spacious, timeless/without history, wild, without people, a place where real men can prove their mettle in direct contest with unspoilt nature) remains surprisingly constant all throughout the 20th century, in spite of the major political upheavals Germany went through in the course of this troubled century.
The second part enquires into the impact of this national imaginary on the selection for and German translation of Canadian children's books. The author ties in with the latest insights in translation theory, which move beyond the criterion of faithfulness to the source text, and understand translation as a form of productive reception which is at least as much focused on the target language and culture as on the source language and culture. Finally, it also links gender studies to imagology given the fact that the German image-type of Canada is so relentlessly masculine. One reviewer commented that Martina Seifert's book sets a standard, not just for research into children's literature, but for international research into the field.
Voiceless Vanguard: The Infantilist Aesthetic of the Russian Avant-Garde
Sara Pankenier Weld
Evanston: Northwestern UP, 2014.
Voiceless Vanguard: The Infantilist Aesthetic of the Russian Avant-Garde offers a new approach to the Russian avant-garde. It argues that central writers, artists, and theorists of the avant-garde self-consciously used an infantile aesthetic, as inspired by children's art, language, perspective, and logic, to accomplish the artistic renewal they were seeking in literature, theory, and art. It treats the influence of children's drawings on the Neo-Primitivist art of Mikhail Larionov, the role of children's language in the Cubo-Futurist poetics of Aleksei Kruchenykh, the role of the naive perspective in the Formalist theory of Viktor Shklovsky, and the place of children's logic and lore in Daniil Kharms's absurdist writings for children and adults.
This monograph deals with an important dimension of twentieth century avant-gardism/modernism at large, i.e. their late-romantic idealization of children and childhood as major sources of inspiration for innovative art by adults.
Pankenier clearly shows how avant-garde research at large may profit from the close scrutiny of infantilist aesthetic concepts. As such, it generates some real synergies with research into children's literature and the Europen avant-garde, in which several other IRSCL members are involved, such as Bettina Kümmerling-Meibauer. The author addresses both modernist and avant-garde theories and theories of childhood and children's literature, puncturing essentialist myths of childhood. Importantly, this monograph builds bridges between the fields of childhood studies, children's literature studies, and inquiry into modernism and the avant-garde, which may be of use to us all.
Racial Innocence: Performing American Childhood from Slavery to Civil Rights
Robin Bernstein
New York: New York University Press, 2011.
Racial Innocence is a brilliant, well-written, exciting, and moving account of how slavery and racial discrimination have impacted children and childhood media in the USA for a long and decisive period. The text deals with how seemingly "innocent" areas such as play raise racial issues in performative ways, and in doing so, offers an up-to-date theoretical framing that is thought-provoking on many levels. This book has potential to influence research in children's literature for a long time to come.
Picturing Canada: A History of Canadian Children’s Illustrated Books and Publishing
Gail Edwards and Judith Saltman
Toronto: U of Toronto Press, 2010
This book comprises an account of the history of children’s English-language publishing in Canada, concentrating on illustrated works and picture books, from the beginnings of Canadian children’s literature to 2005.
The authors have plotted the evolution of Canadian publishing for children against the cultural and political shifts which have characterised Canadian history. They focus in particular on how illustrated books and picture books have negotiated Canadian debates over nationhood and national identities, with particular reference to Indigenous peoples and texts, and ethnocultural diversity. The distinctive contribution Edwards and Saltman make is that this is not merely a literary history, but Picturing Canada investigates the networks of publishing, librarianship, education, retail, reviewing and research which attend the production and reception of Canadian books for children.
Historien om bórnelitteratur: dansk bórnelitteratur gennem 400 år / The History of Children's Literature: 400 Years of Danish Children's Literature
Torben Weinreich
Copenhagen: Branner & Korch, 2006
One of the necessary and most relevant activities in a relatively young field of research is historiography. Analysing the historical emergence and development of one's object of study in a convincing and nuanced way requires mature distancing, thorough research, rich knowledge and a convincing theoretical framework to compose a history, a story of the development of children's literature in a particular area. Torben Weinreich's The History of Children's Literature: 400 Years of Danish Children's Literature is just such an ambitious and successful enterprise, offering valuable insights and models of thinking for other areas, fields, or geographical locations.
The Poetics of Childhood
Roni Natov
New York / London: Routledge, 2003
The Poetics of Childhood is a study of the sensibility of childhood and the way writers have attempted to find a language in their work for children and for a mature audience with which to recreate this sensibility. Closely and intelligently reading an eclectic range of works from classics of children's literature (Burnett's The Secret Garden, Pearce's Tom's Midnight Garden ) as well as modern titles (Rowling's Harry Potter), the poetry of Wordsworth and Blake, Nabokov's Lolita, Lessing's The Fifth Child or Arundhati Roy's The God of Small Things, Natov examines the construction of innocence, of the pastoral and the anti-pastoral, not shirking from the dark images that contribute to the poetics of childhood.
Reviews of The Poetics of Childhood by IRSCL scholars from the Netherlands, the USA, Finland, the UK, and Italy can be read in the reviews section.
Reading Race: Aboriginality in Australian Children's Literature
Clare Bradford
Carlton: Melbourne University Press, 2001
Reading Race demonstrates how Australian children's texts of all genres (fiction, non-fiction, picture books, school texts, films) represent Aborigines and Aboriginality to Australian children. It examines the ideologies of race which inform Australian children's texts, the cultural shifts that are visible in their representations of Aboriginality, and the tensions and uncertainties which they disclose. In its deployment of postcolonial theory and its attention to Aboriginal textuality, Reading Race affords models of theorized analysis of texts. It deals with questions of gender, colonialism and the sacred; issues of cultural appropriation, hybridity and reconciliation as they manifest in Australian texts.
Kinderliterarische Komparatistik [Comparative Children's Literature]
Emer O'Sullivan
Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag C. Winter, 2000
Emer O'Sullivan's pioneering study examines the relevance of basic questions and concepts of comparative literature for children's literature studies and develops them further. What emerges is a map of the relevant areas:
general theory of children's literature;
contact and transfer studies (including translation and reception);
comparative poetics of children's literature (including thematology);
intertextuality studies;
image studies;
comparative genre studies;
comparative historiography of children's literature; and
comparative history of children's literature studies.
The translation of children's literature is a special focus of the book. O'Sullivan draws on a communicative model of translation which links the theoretical fields of narratology and translation studies.
A final section addresses the concepts of world literature for children and children classics and analyses the globalisation of children's literature today.
Norsk Barnelitteraturhistorie [The History of Norwegian Children's Literature]
Tone Birkeland, Gunvor Risa and Karen Beate Vold
Oslo: Det norske samlaget, 1997
The Nimble Reader: Literary Theory and Children's Literature
Rod McGillis
New York: Twayne Publishers, 1996
When Toys Come Alive: Narratives of Animation, Metamorphosis and Development
Lois Rostow Kuznets
New Haven: Yale University Press, 1994
When Toys Come Alive> focuses on the role of toy characters (dolls, animals, mechanical objects) in older classics written for children or adults (e.g., The Nutcracker and the Mouse King, Pinocchio, Winnie the Pooh, The Velveteen Rabbit) through modern texts like The Mouse and His Child, popular cartoons, and science fiction. Kuznets uses a variety of intertextual critical approaches to show how toy characters act out deep human needs, desires, and fears, reflect socio-economic hierarchies, and raise existential issues of power and creativity
IRSCL Honour Books
Highly commended:
Sarah Park Dahlen & Ebony Elizabeth Thomas, Harry Potter and the Other (UP Mississippi, 2022).
Janice Bland, Compelling Stories for English Language Leaners (Bloomsbury, 2022)
Jesus Montano and Regan Postma, Tactics of Hope in Latinx Children's and Young Adult Literature (University of New Mexico Press, 2022).
No Honour Book awarded this year.
Civil Rights Childhood: Picturing Liberation in African American Photobooks
Katharine Capshaw
Minneapolis: Minnesota UP, 2014
Playing with Picturebooks: Postmodernism and the Postmodernesque
Cherie Allan
Basingstoke: Palgrave, 2012
No Honour Book awarded this year.
Mondialisation et Littérature de Jeunesse [Globalization and Youth Literature]
Jean Perrot
Paris: Electre, Edition du cercle de la librairie, 2008
The Hidden Adult: Defining Children's Literature
Perry Nodelman
Baltimore, Maryland: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2008
IRSCL Edited Book Award Winners
Pippi Langstrumpf als Paradigma: Die deutsche Rezeption Astrid Lindgrens und ihr internationaler Kontext / Pippi Longstocking as a Paradigm: The German Reception of Astrid Lindgren's Works and their International Context
Astrid Surmatz
Tübingen: A. Francke, 2006
International Companion Encyclopedia of Children's Literature, 2nd edition
Editor: Peter Hunt
Oxford: Routledge, 2004
Youth Cultures: Texts, Images, Identity
Editors: Kerry Mallan and Sharyn Pearce
Westport, CT: Praeger, 2003
Ways of Being Male: Representing Masculinities in Children's Literature and Film
Editor: John Stephens
London and New York: Routledge, 2002
Ideologies of Identity in Adolescent Fiction: The Dialogic Construction of Subjectivity
Robyn McCallum
New York: Garland Publishing, 1999
Jeux et enjeux du livre d'enfance et de jeunesse / Play and Games: Books at Stake for Children and Young Adults
Jean Perrot
Paris: Éditions du Cercle de la Librairie, 1999
Children’s Literature and Translation: Texts and Contexts
Eds. Jan Van Coillie & Jack McMartin
Leuven: Leuven University, 2020
Critical Perspectives on Artificial Humans in Children’s Literature
Ed. Sabine Planka
Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann, 2016
Children's Literature and the Avant-Garde
Eds. Elina Druker and Bettina Kümmerling-Meibauer
Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 2015
Jakten på fortellinger: Barne- og ungdomslitteratur på tvers av medier
Ed. Elise Seip Tønnessen
Oslo: Universitetsforlaget, 2014